Learning Lab 3
Week 1 - Guest lecture PLM by Mariëlle van den Hurk - 26/09/2024
Presentation by Mariëlle van den Hurk, specializing in process optimization at fashion & textile companies, on creating synergies between people, processes and technology. A PLM platform ensures centralization, digitization and traceability, which will be essential in the future to remain prosperous as a fashion or textile company. The guest lecture was delivered in a practical, hands-on approach, enhancing the already familiar processes within the fashion industry with valuable new insights. A list of suppliers also made it very tangible. The presentation was given on 26/09/2024 by Mariëlle van den Hurk. Working at C F & T consulting, she can be reached at or on LinkedIn.
Week 5 – Workshop 3D-printing (MakersLab, BIB) – 24/10/2024
On 24/10/2024, a 3D printing workshop was given by Rik Hannon in the makersLab of HOGENT BIB. The focus of the workshop was on downloading online 3D printing patterns to then connect to the 3D printer through a chosen, intermediate software. The workshop was hands-on so each student also went through the entire process independently. The software was installed individually and the chosen object was sent to the printer. Given the processing time, this could not be retrieved until later. Finally, the possibilities of 3D printing within the fashion and textile sector were discussed. Rik Hannon can be contacted via HOGENT's internal e-mail traffic.
Week 7 - Guest lecture AI by Paolo Vega - 07/11/2024
Trending topic given by Paolo Vega on 07/11/2024 on the use of AI in the fashion industry. After a general introduction to the importance of AI in our daily lives and its different types, the lecture then focused on the opportunities and efficiency gains that AI can bring to the fashion industry. Divided into stages and substantiated with numerous examples, this was an engaging and accessible guest lecture. The key message was: accept AI, use it to your advantage, but always remain critical of the results shown. No further contact information was exchanged.
Week 7 – Guest lecture on circular economy in textiles by Saskia Manshoven VITO - 07/11/2024
Saskia Manshoven managed to give a guest lecture that perfectly matched the sustainable focus within the fashion technology course at HOGENT. As a researcher of circular economy at VITO (Flemish Institution for Technological Research), Saskia managed to convey the topic in a light-hearted, interactive and well-founded way. The rule of thumb 'minimal impact per wear' made an impression and was also substantiated with numerous initiatives that can be undertaken by both the consumer and the designer. The lecture took place on 07/11/2024 and further questions can be sent to
Week 8 – Webinar 'The Future of Fashion' – 13/11/2024
Free webinar on 13/11/2024 on 'The Future of Fashion' based on a collaboration between Vlajo and Deloitte. The webinar was split into two parts, with the first focusing on current dynamics in the fashion industry and the second on how Deloitte can support fashion companies in this regard.​
Given my economic background, I was immediately drawn to the analysis of key market trends within the fashion industry. These came down to reduced consumer spending, reorganization pressure and urgent climate action. Supported by figures, it turned out that European consumers already want to spend 29% less on clothing, 7500 Belgian outlets disappeared since 2016 and each European creates an average of 11 kg of textile waste per year. Thanks to the sustainability focus within the course, these figures were not unexpected, but that certainly doesn't make the confrontation any less.​
What I found most valuable was learning how companies are adjusting their strategies to establish themselves in the changing fashion industry. My interest in marketing made the pursuit of a total experience and community building particularly memorable. In it, it was cited that customers know better and better what they want and will therefore become increasingly choosy. Companies that come out without, or with an inconsistent story, will not make it. From my own buying habits, I could confirm this, which increased recognition. As a fashion technologist, I was confronted with the realization that technical knowledge alone is no longer enough. Besides perception, logistics digitalization and conformity to sustainability regulations also came up as an inevitable strategy choice for the future.
What was enriching was the repeated emphasis on the role of AI. This provided a bridge to Paolo Vega's guest lecture seen earlier on the use of AI in the fashion industry. While AI can sometimes feel like a threat, it was presented here in a positive light, showing how it can add value rather than replace human involvement. For one thing, it can be deployed on the consumer side. By enabling AI in the area of hyper personalization, opportunities are created in the overall customer experience. On the other hand, it can bring logistical efficiency, which fits within the drive for logistics digitalization. AI can therefore enhance human performance by providing inspiration, while also driving efficiency through accurate predictions in areas like demand forecasting, machine maintenance, and shipping routes. The key message was clear: AI is set to play a permanent role in the future of the fashion industry.
Finally, it was instructive to hear how luxury conglomerates VS fast fashion companies must restructure as a result of current market trends. While luxury conglomerates go for horizontal consolidation with the goal of better margins, fast fashion companies must embrace vertical integration in order to continue to meet sustainability requirements.
​Given my combined passion for economics, particularly strategy formulation, and fashion, this webinar was incredibly interesting and will definitely be useful in my future career. It clarified what strategic aspects should underpin future fashion companies. These can be built upon to maintain distinctiveness and profitability within the fashion industry.
Week 9 – Fashion trip Paris: Galerie Dior – 21/11/2024
On 21/11/2024, a fashion trip was organized to Paris. This included a visit to Galerie Dior, ending with an inspiring city walk through the world's most famous fashion city. The museum illustrated the birth, history and evolution of Parisian Haute Couture. The iconic 'New Look' could also be seen up close. The prestige with which both the Dior store and the museum are exhibited is breathtaking and inspiring. A walk through the city clearly shows the differences between the arrondissements.
Week 11 – Workshop on product safety by Alexandra De Raeve – 05/12/2024
Given the importance of product safety within the fashion and textile industry, an extensive guest lecture was given by Alexandra De Raeve on 05/12/2024. First of all, the lecture zoomed in on the legal requirements around product safety, before moving on to the initiatives that ensure compliance (such as REACH). Important applications within the fashion industry were clearly explained. Given the negative environmental impact of textiles, both a strategy for sustainable, circular textiles and eco-design were further discussed. Ecodesign was clearly, and per garment category explained using “performance design requirements. Finally, it was illustrated how digitization through the different phases in a fashion or textile company can contribute to a more environmentally friendly and efficient operation. Alexandra de Raeve can be contacted via
Week 13 – Info session internship and bachelor's thesis – 19/12/2024
Not applicable. Bachelor's thesis exempt & internship in semester 1